Please be a comforting presence for your dog
when fireworks are around.


I’m a gentle tan rescue, terrified and distraught.
My stomach and throat are tied in a tense knot.
The explosions are, to my sensitive ear,
Three times the volume a human would hear.
Under this bed I’m abandoned and alone,
Whining and shivering in fear of the unknown.
BOOM!! and only two seconds have passed,
ZING BOOOM!!— another deafening blast!
Why by myself? Need the safety of John!
Why did he choose this time to be gone?
Was I a bad dog? Did I misbehave?
Outta nowhere, Boom BOOM!—
With a house-shaking shock wave!
My paws attempt to cover my ears,
But explosions outside keep feeding my fears.
It’s coming to get me— please make it stop!
Where’s John? I need him right here beside me!
He’d comfort me, protect me, pet me, and guide me!
Why, oh why did John disappear?
Trauma and dread paralyze me with fear!
I’m panting like crazy— I hyperventilate!
My chest will explode from my rapid heart rate!
I’m coming apart! I need to pee!
But wait! At the front door? Is that his key?
Is he back? Is that him? He’s home! He is back!
No more relentless, nightmarish attack!
Through the perilous night I had cried for him, waiting.
Now he’s back home! We’re reunited, celebrating!
I’m bouncing, and yelping, now kissing his face!
He ruffles my fur as around him I race.
“Hey, boy, I’m home!” he says with a smile.
“Sorry you’ve been here alone for awhile.
Was over at a neighbor's - we launched a great show.
Sure was spectacular! ‘Course, you couldn’t go.
Have a nice nap? Enjoyed peace alone, right?
Too quiet, I’ll bet—an uneventful night?
You must need excitement, not mindless talk.
How ‘bout a Greenie, and we go for a walk?“

Please be a comforting presence for your dog
when fireworks are around.

Will Walsh