
Our views aside on evolution or creationism,
We are kin with each and every organism.
Einstein and Shweitzer wrote to paupers and kings:...

“Our compassion must embrace all living things.”

Animals rely upon our love and care.
They teach us to unselfishly share
Our warmth, comfort, and unconditional devotion
While shifting us from our self-absorption.

Unknown to their souls is the concept of hate.
They never complain when in a woeful state.
Would they complain even if they could speak?
Neither revenge nor influence nor wealth do they seek.

To observe them in nature, sit quietly in seclusion.
Open your mind to their union and fusion.
Sense them around you in a calm interlude.
Relax in their world while in rare solitude.

When you encounter a wild animal in its wilderness place,
You’ll be in awe of its beauty and grace.
Observe it silently— no need to connect.
It knows you’re no threat, and will sense your respect.

With distinct personalities whether wild or domestic,
All are dependent and each is majestic.
They’re fascinating characters at all life stages.
Childlike when young; when old they’re like sages.

You’ve come to appreciate their unique personal natures.
Among their other distinguishing features:
They’re respectful, kind, compassionate, and perceptive;
Intelligent, adaptable, enduring and creative.

With kindness and compassion, your gentleness suppresses
Their sadness and agitation. Your gentleness expresses
Your love, respect, and concern for their fragility;
It eases their crises, and reduces anxiety.

Your gentleness smooths their upsets and frustrations;
Their unpleasant surprises; their deprivations.
Gentleness is comforting, stress-alleviating, reassuring.
They’ll return your investment with interest enduring.

Act to prevent animal abuse and neglect.
Their rights and well-being we must strive to protect.
Save them from isolation, pain, and despair:
Be vocal and assertive for their rights and welfare.

They’re competitive and sometimes aggressive, but in reality
They’re as nurturant, altruistic, and cooperative as we.
May we coexist with, learn from, and sustain undeterred
Our cousins, the animals— finned, feathered, furred.

Will Walsh