The Other Virus (2020)
So DT-20 I’ve named it here.
From Patient Zero (our dear Mr. Trump)
Viral bad character did zealously jump
To superspreader Mitch, who infected his machine
With undesirable traits we should have foreseen.
This virus in Congress is selective (only shared
By GOP senators). Democrats are spared.
It’s limited, affecting only the right wing.
It prohibits GOP senators from doing the right thing.
It polarizes these senators and obstructs interactions;
It divides them into belligerent factions.
It’s transmitted not by insidious organism
But by fear, greed, selfishness, and egotism.
Not a coronavirus, but indeed a fast grower,
We must arrest it or force it to disperse much slower.
Through Congress its dangerous symptoms are spreading.
Down a slippery slope truth and ethics are heading.
GOP senators have abandoned integrity:
With the majority leader they must always agree.
DT-20, named after the executive
Is propagating and infecting the legislative
With scandal, untruth, distraction, confusion,
Anger, disorder, suspicion and delusion.
This virus expands bad personality traits
Found in great apes, the prez, and other primates.
Demeaning, insulting, hot argumentation;
Belittling, bullying, aggressive confrontation.
With hostility, antagonism, and unmuted rages,
Senators pace like gorillas in zoo cages.
The virus trumps goodness—it’s become acceptable
To exploit the vulnerable and susceptible.
Lawmakers’ legislation implies their good stance,
But their bills really seek campaign donor finance.
The DT-20 afflicts GOP
With paranoia and job insecurity.
The White House embarrasses them. It's all they can do
To please voters at home as their districts turn blue.
For DT-20 there’s no relevant vaccine;
No hazsuits or masks or required hygiene.
The best approach here will be quarantine
For a few days (perhaps more than fourteen).
Within the domed edifice we’ll hold lawmakers captive
To socialize them with traits more adaptive.
We’ll bring in some mentors. These qualified saviors
Will inspire the senators to correct bad behaviors.
(Mohandas, Abraham, Martin, and John
Weren’t available. Unfortunately, they're gone.)
But Greta, Masha, Vindman, and Obama,
Schiff, Melinda, and His Holiness Dalai Lama
Will schmooze with the senators, this virus to dispel.
They’ll instill their good qualities and get Senators well.
To cure DT-20 they’ll gladly intervene;
An infusion of virtue will be the “vaccine”.
They’ll teach healthy emotions for each situation;
New knowledge and skills will drive smooth adaptation.
Senators will need to overhaul or re-jigger
Their souls, to serve with new honor and vigor.
Might save their careers if they sit for a spell.
Here’s what they’ll learn while in quarantine hell:
Follow rule of law: slam-dunk impunity.
Collaborate with peers to reinforce unity.
Analyze context, for a much broader view;
Rely on evidence: myth is taboo.
Mediate toward expectations that mesh.
Engage our youth for ideas more fresh.
Use inquiry and research to illuminate the truth.
Act with civility. Rudeness is uncouth.
Be calm in settling disputes on the floor.
Grow humility until arrogance is no more.
Look within, to awaken deep altruism.
Exercise kindness—quell selfish egotism.
Release compassion and any humanity within.
As patients in quarantine, recovery can begin.
They’ll learn new behaviors and gain authenticity.
They’ll be true to themselves, having gained real integrity.
Each constituent expects and demands
That Congress resides in trustworthy hands.
Erase DT-20—if not now, when?
Senate honor and dignity must reign again!
—Will Walsh 2020