PREZ (2017 - 2021)
I think that I shall never see
A wheeler-dealer unethical as he.
A prez whose ego was possessed
By megawealth (his lifelong quest).
A prez that tweeted and ranted all day,
He’d yell, “You’re fired!” (Don’t misobey.)
A prez that would in summer wear
A nest of robins in his hair.
He ridiculed evidence, logic, and facts,
And scoffed at treaties, accords, and pacts.
Virtue was absent this fake leader’s reign:
Upon his chest Miss Daniels had lain.
He governed by impulse, vacillation, and whim;
He was sawing away; we were out on the limb.
Poems are made by fools such as me,
But our world is diminished by fools such as he.
Will Walsh