What did I do for others today?
Was I compassionate, kind, or show them the way?Was I out in the warm light of altruism
Or locked again in my dark cell of egoism?
NGOs and nations unselfishly give
Blood and treasure, that others may live.
Oxfam and UN and ICRC,
Though huge, are composed of people like me.
Blood and treasure, that others may live.
Oxfam and UN and ICRC,
Though huge, are composed of people like me.
I am the grassroots—it’s essential I act
For those against whom all odds are stacked.
But I’m often held back from accomplishing good
By xenophobia, agoraphobia, self-consciousness, or mood,
Or discomfort with strangers, or people unkempt.
And my self-centeredness seems to preclude the attempt.
For those against whom all odds are stacked.
But I’m often held back from accomplishing good
By xenophobia, agoraphobia, self-consciousness, or mood,
Or discomfort with strangers, or people unkempt.
And my self-centeredness seems to preclude the attempt.
But I can’t do good from an ivory tower:
Less fortunate folk I must seek and empower.
My assistance given to those in distress
Are appreciated rungs in their ladders of success.
Less fortunate folk I must seek and empower.
My assistance given to those in distress
Are appreciated rungs in their ladders of success.
Intrinsic rewards I will certainly find.
And it’s actions (not feelings) that benefit humankind.
If I’m truly of virtuous heart and mind
My actions today must be gentle and kind.
And it’s actions (not feelings) that benefit humankind.
If I’m truly of virtuous heart and mind
My actions today must be gentle and kind.
Will Walsh