

On tiny wings that spun and whirled,

You descended into my lakeshore world.

Watching you thrive since 2001

I gained self-awareness as we shared, one-on-one.

Ive honored and protected your anonymity;

Youve flourished in solitude and equanimity.

With deep green leaves under an azure sky

in the cool morning breeze, you whisper and sigh.

Through many summer rains torrential

You ceaselessly strive for your potential.

Your branches celebrate glory in light while

Your roots discover earth, rich and fertile.


Ive watched you adapt and persevere

Through adversity with no trace of fear.

Laughing at hurricanes and direct hits of lightning,

You survive drownings and drought, no less frightening.

Resistant to heat and many hard freezes,

You scold harsh tempests and dance in soft breezes.


You generously provide shelter and safe haven

To each osprey, finch, owl and raven.

As you harmonize and balance your web of life,

You unknowingly mediate our hardship and strife.


Youve risen above our world of anxiety, 

Hypocrisy, mistrust, and impropriety.

 Free of animosity, rancor and hate,

Youre my accessible, steadfast, reassuring soul-mate.

Youre here for me always gentle and true.

With heartfelt gratitude to my maple:

                            Thank you.

