I no longer need to reason or think.
My devices (with cloud) are always in sync.
What guides my choices? Wikipedia,
Google, Copilot and social media.

With digital tools I can function OK.
Ctrl F guides me in finding my way.
The world’s at my fingertips. Why memorize fact
When my digital logic can decide and act?

More adaptive than ability to memorize
Is ability to find data, access it, and utilize.
(But I don't rely on algorithms and AI
To decide for me when to laugh or cry.)

Nor is the Internet of networked synapses
Totally safe from memory lapses:
One massive sunspot and the whole thing reformats.
Which of course will be blamed on The Democrats.

Into the unknown I click headlong,
Knowing my devices will never do wrong.
And because I obsessively click every link,
My prefrontal cortex has begun to shrink.

Large language models now run the show.
AI’s my companion so there’s no need to “know”.
My recall is marginal but, hey, not to fret.
My device will remember. I’m free to forget!

Will Walsh