I envision a world free from oppression and injustice, where all may realize their full human rights. May each of us attempt to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity. May we strive for empirical truth, human development, and a more just and peaceful world.
The Gentle Creatures
Share the Water Minimize strife (Rhyming)
Animals Deserve our protection (Rhyming)
Dusty and Ziggy Playful pals (Rhyming)
Dusty and Ziggy Playful pals (Rhyming)
Night People Winged visitors (Rhyming)
Meet Our Therapist (He'll love you to pieces!) (Rhyming)
Cliff Encounter A mother's diversionary tactic
Ramsey's Bro Needs love too (Rhyming)
A Labor of Love For the little furries (Rhyming)
Miranda A black lab's story (Rhyming)
Sharing Coexistence in a Mojave cave
A BarkBox of Love Anticipation and delight (Rhyming)
Compassion Learned From my sister
A Valentine For Miranda
Kissing the Joy as it Flies Osprey and rain
Rites of Passage Hamilton, Massachusetts, 1949
It Likes My Wreath And hides beneath (Rhyming)
Gifts Exchanged
Fourth of July A dog and fireworks (Rhyming)
Self-Awareness and Mastery
I Got This What could possibly go wrong? (Rhyming)
Dealing With Stress Keys to the gates of calm
Looking Within Self-transcending or merely existing?
Looking Within Self-transcending or merely existing?
Your Truths Carefully evolved
A Good Day Can be each day
Recovery As we heal the world, we heal ourselves
Help Reconcile Differences A conflict management approach
Be a Good Person Acquire virtues and ethics (Rhyming)
Who You Can Be Striving. Surviving. Thriving.
New Freedom Dealing with recall issues
To My Younger Self Youth stays with us (Rhyming)
Finding Humanity Toward the light
Comfort in Solitude The peace of night
Through Any Ordeal With passion and solidarity (Rhyming)
Altruism Helps our world recover (Rhyming)
Acceptance Is a strength. . . (Rhyming)
Optimism For well-being (Rhyming)
Just Imagine Allow yourself silence
Aloneness Not loneliness
Wealth Is . . . Not material
Hourglass Using time (Rhyming)
Geode II Fantasy within a macrocosmos
Reversal Is time directional?
The Return Flying
Classical Haiku Four impressions
Limericks For fun (Rhyming)
Limericks For fun (Rhyming)
As I Live and Breathe I'm still relevant
Dominance You are in my power. . .
Dominance You are in my power. . .
Geode I Geometry of light
Recovery After the pulse (Rhyming)
Evolving with Nature
Far, Far Away From the mass culture
Far, Far Away From the mass culture
Wilderness Offers renewal
Onion Creek, Utah Echoes of my flute
Wild Horse Mesa Mojave dreaming
Great Basin Trilogy 1022, 2022, 3022
Whispers of an Escalante Canyon The teacher
Mojave Equanimity Winter approaches
Power of a Droplet Joining her sisters
Spring, Providence Mountains An awakening
Desert Climbing Risk, reflection
A Gift Received Water over quartz
Free Vertical A dance with gravity
Escalante Mesa South Central Utah
The Rainforest Resting in green
Calm in Moonlight In the night, just be. . .
Wellesley in Winter, 1946 Childhood wonder in snow
Wellesley in Spring, 1953 Voice of a cypripedium
Wellesley in Winter, 1950 Blue spruce
On International Day of Forests Comfort of the forest
Off Cartwright Road, 1953 Spring in the Wellesley woods
Comfort in Solitude Safety in storm
Benbow Island, 1959 Summer off the North Shore (Rhyming)
Renewal Through the seasons
Reflections The moon, Sirius, and a luminous sage
Midnight Walk Cool, quiet simplicity
Starlight And meditation
Perception Of faces of the moon (Rhyming)
Don't Blink Icecaps are melting (Rhyming)
Going. . . Going. . . Signing away the wilderness (Rhyming)
Children of Summer, 2050 You were irresponsible, Grandpa
Treasures We must protect. . .
Seedling Potential of a maple seed
Maple Potential attained
Early Summer Human-caused? (Rhyming)
Purslane Can bring you peace. . .
Going. . . Going. . . Signing away the wilderness (Rhyming)
Children of Summer, 2050 You were irresponsible, Grandpa
Treasures We must protect. . .
Seedling Potential of a maple seed
Maple Potential attained
Early Summer Human-caused? (Rhyming)
Purslane Can bring you peace. . .
Reaching for Global Peace
Ascent Toward our vision
Listening And hearing
Waterways to Peace A metaphor for diminishing violence
Reach Out With a smile (Rhyming)
Waterways to Peace A metaphor for diminishing violence
Reach Out With a smile (Rhyming)
Hear Me, See Me, Walk With Me, Love Me Somaliland
Sustainable Development Goals For our best future (Rhyming)
Creating Summer in the Winter of Our Souls Human relationships
West of Gaalkacyo, Somalia Fleeing to Dabaab
Toward Peace, 1967 Happy learners (Rhyming)
Elusive Love A radiant ideal
Sustainable Development Goals For our best future (Rhyming)
Creating Summer in the Winter of Our Souls Human relationships
West of Gaalkacyo, Somalia Fleeing to Dabaab
Toward Peace, 1967 Happy learners (Rhyming)
Elusive Love A radiant ideal
The Pulse We began to regain our humanity (Rhyming)
Exceptional People
The Most Courageous Warriors And their weapons
The Most Courageous Warriors And their weapons
To Ruth Bader Ginsburg We inch toward a truer democracy (Rhyming)
To Sherrie A paragon of virtue (Rhyming)
To Pat Jeffries Contributing to a better world (Rhyming)
Mick Jagger Rockin' a new valve (Rhyming)
Your Priceless Treasures Of perception and character
Sherrie at Twilight A lullaby
Thanks, Euclid For your Greek alphabet
Tenacre Girl , Could ride. . . (Rhyming)
Mick Jagger Rockin' a new valve (Rhyming)
Your Priceless Treasures Of perception and character
Sherrie at Twilight A lullaby
Thanks, Euclid For your Greek alphabet
Tenacre Girl , Could ride. . . (Rhyming)
Xi Jinpings's Book: An Indispensable Aid (Rhyming)
Step Up, Men
To All Men From One Man On International Women's Day, 2016Who Will Teach Our Boys? Are we fully present?
In Honor of All Women International Women's Day 2014
We Missed You Actually, you dropped the ball
Systemic American Disregard We can change our ways. . .
Constant Gardeners Cultivate and encourage others
To My Brothers Across the World Let's demonstrate virtues and ethics
To American Men Let's restore our character. . . (Rhyming)
Our Priceless Voting Rights
Voting for Dishonesty, Xenophobia, Misogyny, and Corruption (Rhyming)
Autocracy Rejected Progressives have spoken (Rhyming) Uh Oh Don't disqualify your ballot! (Rhyming)
The Female Vote Nudged us toward the brink
Farm Bailouts for Votes Quid Pro Quo (Rhyming)
Choice Of presidential candidates
Dandelion Dream Drifting again over DC (Rhyming)
Toward a New Horizon And the highest ideals
Resuming the Safe Voyage Aboard U.S.S. America (Rhyming)
State of the Union Dream Or was it reality? (Rhyming)
Hate in America Are we a hypocrisy?
The Bridge Builder A tribute to President Obama
The Bridge Builder A tribute to President Obama
Two Weeks in Louisiana Post-Katrina recovery
Graced by His Presence In a dream (Rhyming)
Join Us On the street (Rhyming)
We Will Survive It's been a rough ride (Rhyming)
Insidious Autocracy
Governor Glib Mister Ambition (Rhyming)
The Other Virus Let's call it DT-20 (Rhyming)
The Republican Ideal Expressed in a President (Rhyming)
The Republican Ideal Expressed in a President (Rhyming)
Matt Gaetz: For Himself Not the people (Rhyming)
Be Very Afraid Of a haunted President (Rhyming)
Be Very Afraid Of a haunted President (Rhyming)
Viral Crowd The virus loves crowds. . . (Rhyming)
Beyond Executive He is King
Doormat to an Autocrat On the bending of justice (Rhyming)
Mister Fossil The former EPA Administrator (Rhyming)
If You Share our (Former) President's Values It's time to look within
The New Holocaust When "national defense" masks genocide
The New Holocaust When "national defense" masks genocide
Indifference When the Leader Doesn't Lead (Rhyming)
The Book Cover Was misleading (Rhyming)
The Puppet A former Senate Majority Leader (Rhyming)
Prez A parody of Joyce Kilmer's "Trees" (Rhyming)
The Amateur Knew best. . . (Rhyming)
Spring in Brandon, 2023 In health and freedom
Night Maintenance Sustains this old body (Rhyming)
Hardrock 25K Pressing on
Evolution of Human Movement Past, present, future
Midnight Run II Into the universe
Midnight Run I Black silence
Persevere The rewards of lifetime running
We Runners in Our 80s Know our Bodies and minds
Beach Daydream 1976 Cardiff, Leucadia, Encinitas, Moonlight Beach
Sunday Choice To be physical
Jungle Run Brandon, Florida (Rhyming)
Once a Marine. . .
Journeys of Enlightenment Emotional extremes
Parades in My Honor Honor I must live up to
The Master Guns A leader evolves (Rhyming)
Silent Forgiveness Tolerance
Negative Buoyancy Aquatics
Fusion Semper Fidelis
Our Beliefs Make Perfect Sense . . . So let us reject science
Denial of Science Is rejection of reason and logic
Welcome To the real worldExodus I survive in spirit (Rhyming)
To Join or Not Join the Islamist Jihad Directions in life
An Open Letter to God Questioning omnipotence
Absolutes Are immeasurable
Absolutes Are immeasurable
Avocado I'm an aficionado (Rhyming)
Java Variant Taming of the brew (Rhyming)
Who Am I? A riddle (Rhyming)
Your Gift of Fudge Morphing happens (Rhyming)
Ignominy All is recycled (Rhyming)
Nuke It Blasting the kernels (Rhyming)
Crafting Images And other realities
Give Us Your (Irish) Best If you're Irish, put pen to paper! (Rhyming)
Give Us Your (Irish) Best If you're Irish, put pen to paper! (Rhyming)